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Decoding Collaboration Part 3: Collective impact deconstructed

Looking to the future of journalism, might networked collaboration yield greater return? Asking if journalism has effectively defined this yet, there may be more than one answer.

JA Market Scan: U of O’s School of Journalism and Communication prepares to launch a new Center for Journalism Innovation

What are the new mechanisms of sustainability, distribution and experience creation to serve an increasingly diversified news market?

JA Network Profile: The Breaking News Network explores new ways of expressing media

Supporting each city's civic groups, arts organizations and causes, a network with a local social presence in over 300 cities strives to be a “PBS of social media sourced news.”

Community Journalism Executive Training: Define your exit to build a legacy

Challenging community publishers to think about an exit strategy at CJET reveals it’s not just about selling out. From survive to sustain to partner, sell or build a legacy.

Easy to use index: Find emerging practices, publisher techniques and revenue forum how-to tips

Two days, 300 comments and 50 participants later, what did we learn? Publishers share revenue practices offered in a comprehensive easy to use index to help you hammer out new tracks to prosperity.
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