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One of the first seamless customer relationship management (CRM) systems for WordPress allows you to customize work flow, commerce, data and community with a free or paid version.

JA Interview: Are you H&M or couture? Business insight offered from beyond the publishing world

Go beyond the news industry for fresh insights on revenue and customer relationships. From the fashion world: “Make sure that you constantly have something to offer that people like.”

Engaging Audiences: Measuring Interactions, Engagement and Conversions

A new J-Lab report separates quantity from quality in audience engagement, exploring how to measure meaningful connections and track impact. Packed with case studies, tools and practical tips.

JA How-to: A four-step guerrilla guide to social listening

How to tap into the powerful promise of social listening: Four essential steps and tools to support each that won’t break the bank.

Easy to use index: Find emerging practices, publisher techniques and revenue forum how-to tips

Two days, 300 comments and 50 participants later, what did we learn? Publishers share revenue practices offered in a comprehensive easy to use index to help you hammer out new tracks to prosperity.

Part 1: Emerging practices from revenue forum bundle local and niche publisher secrets for success

Go deep, surface themes, full metal distillation of the forum sliced into a usable body of knowledge you can build on, grow and mulch from. With handy jump links!
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