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Truth in the Age of Social Media

Real newsroom practices for verifying information, including video, pictures and tweets. Specific strategies, common mistakes, tricks for finding the truth despite technological manipulation.

Shaping 21st Century Journalism: Leveraging a “Teaching Hospital Model” in Journalism Education

A new vision for J-schools as vital contributors to community, centers of practice with real impact, “laboratories of innovation” contributing to the “policymaking process that underpins them.”

From Competition to Cooperation: Engaging Cable, Satellite, Internet and Mobile Broadband Service Providers in Meeting the Information Needs of Communities

Focusing on distribution as well as content, North Carolina explores how broadband service providers can "bolster accountability journalism." What is the answer in your community?

Challenge Fund for Journalism Report: Learning to Fish

Findings from four major journalism funders leveraging millions of dollars over seven years. One key: make fundraising daily work. Useful to understand the landscape or plan your own strategy.

Engaging Audiences: Measuring Interactions, Engagement and Conversions

A new J-Lab report separates quantity from quality in audience engagement, exploring how to measure meaningful connections and track impact. Packed with case studies, tools and practical tips.

Filling the Meter: Measuring the Effectiveness of Paywalls for Online Revenue

The fresh eyes of a next generation journalist examine paywalls and concludes they are “the best option for newspapers moving forward.” How to sell customers? "It's a matter of fairness."

Mobile Outlook 2012

What’s up and coming: the 2012 outlook for many things mobile are packed into this industry guide. Tips to stay ahead in mobile advertising, content, databases, and monetization.

Pew Research Center Report: 72% of Americans follow local news closely

Pew research finds high value on local news, then digs deep into the “unique group of local news consumers...who follow local news closely.” Useful analysis to better know your audience.

Monetizing the Digital Revolution: Consumer Publishing and Media Industry Study & Special Report

A deep dive into trends pushing publishers as digital demands rise, including research on revenue sources. Focused on magazines; content and financial gleanings inform other platforms.

Investigative News Network Report: Critical Strategies for Growing a Nonprofit Newsroom

Combining practical perspective on journalism in the public interest with sustainable income. “Intended to provide explicit strategic and tactical advice for growing earned revenue streams.”
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