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JA Better Practices: Sixth annual Free Press Media Reform conference inspires a rich social narrative

To optimize your experience at conferences, formulate a social plan to build a rich narrative and broaden connections. Check out how the JA reached out before, during and after a recent event.

A slick way of integrating social strategy through a single tool, this free and premium-priced service lets you schedule automated updates to social media sites, improve message delivery and SEO.

JA How-To: Social tools you can use to grow your business

JA How-To: Social tools you can use to grow your business Experts predict 2013 will be the “first year that social media eclipses search as the leading source of referral traffic to publishers.”

JA Network Profile: The Breaking News Network explores new ways of expressing media

Supporting each city's civic groups, arts organizations and causes, a network with a local social presence in over 300 cities strives to be a “PBS of social media sourced news.”

JA Tech-Tips: Twitter’s API is changing in March – what you need to know

Remember back in August? Twitter let us know their API is changing in March of 2013. The rule changes are significant – are you ready?


Designed to play well with WordPress, Tumblr, Drupal, Blogger, HTML and JS. A drag or drop comment system offering a free version you can experiment with to encourage an active online community.


Improve your audience understanding by capturing reactions in the moment as people read, see or hear your content. The concept of comment threads, but deeply interactive. Embed with a button.

New Media Toolkit

Well organized and easily accessible, a guide to digital publishing tools that covers essential bases without overwhelming. Begin or advance your know-how in SEO, multimedia, impact and more.

JA How-to: A four-step guerrilla guide to social listening

How to tap into the powerful promise of social listening: Four essential steps and tools to support each that won’t break the bank.

Interactive Dynamics for Visual Analysis: A taxonomy of tools that support the fluent and flexible use of visualizations

Worth taking the time to embrace the tech talk for a deeper understanding of how to tell compelling stories through data. Or at least talk to partners who can do it with you.
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