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JA How-To: Social tools you can use to grow your business

JA How-To: Social tools you can use to grow your business Experts predict 2013 will be the “first year that social media eclipses search as the leading source of referral traffic to publishers.”

10 Best Practices for Twitter for Journalists

Distilling research and the practices of major newsrooms to a top ten list capturing the essence of 140 character journalism communication. Subscription version highlights useful examples.

How to Use Twitter for Business: An Introductory Guide

“Pull people in” with this guide to the marketing use of Twitter that can help publishers or reporters think through deep engagement. A layered approach offers nuanced nuggets for a rich return.

Interactive Dynamics for Visual Analysis: A taxonomy of tools that support the fluent and flexible use of visualizations

Worth taking the time to embrace the tech talk for a deeper understanding of how to tell compelling stories through data. Or at least talk to partners who can do it with you.

Socialbrite Sharing Center

Rich in resources to increase your impact through social media, communication tools and strong partnerships, “a learning & sharing hub for social good.”

Project Argo: A collection of tools and best practices for building topic focused sites in WordPress

A living, usable frame for you to use: what the Argo project has explored along the way to multimedia blogging bliss, offers mulch to help your site thrive. “Capitalize, synthesize, harmonize...”

eMedia Vitals: Life Beyond Print

Targeting “print media execs...transitioning their business to emedia,” this niche online pub aggregates highly relevant news daily and crafts how-to ebooks useful for any digital publisher.

YouTube Creator Playbook

For producers ready to take it to the next level, YouTube has created a playbook “that compiles important tips, best practices, and strategies to build greater audiences on YouTube.”
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