eMedia Vitals: Life Beyond Print

eMedia Vitals is an ad-supported online publication that serves print media executives who are transitioning their business to emedia. Our management and editorial team are media industry veterans with extensive operating experience in companies such as IDG, Penton Media and Though we are often asked to consult on emedia strategy by magazine and newspaper companies, we are not a consulting firm.
With print advertising revenue dropping faster than it can be replaced by emedia, magazine and newspaper publishers need to accelerate the transition to digital. eMedia Vitals delivers a combination of filtered content from around the web with proprietary video, reference and how-to content, all focused on helping publishers grow their online business.
eMedia Vitals is published by Vital Business Media, a startup media company that is creating a new kind of targeted, online community for professionals in a variety of industries. By utilizing a unique, personalized approach to content and advertising, we offer a receptive and mutually beneficial environment for our readers and our marketing partners.” Source: eMedia Vitals
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Topics: Distribution Revenue Technology
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