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Collaboration Central: Your Guide to Working Together in the Digital Age

MediaShift heightens its focus on collaboration, a “matter of survival for many journalistic organizations.” New site offers a deep archive of articles and collection of collaboration resources.

Project Argo: A collection of tools and best practices for building topic focused sites in WordPress

A living, usable frame for you to use: what the Argo project has explored along the way to multimedia blogging bliss, offers mulch to help your site thrive. “Capitalize, synthesize, harmonize...”

Easy to use index: Find emerging practices, publisher techniques and revenue forum how-to tips

Two days, 300 comments and 50 participants later, what did we learn? Publishers share revenue practices offered in a comprehensive easy to use index to help you hammer out new tracks to prosperity.

Part 1: Emerging practices from revenue forum bundle local and niche publisher secrets for success

Go deep, surface themes, full metal distillation of the forum sliced into a usable body of knowledge you can build on, grow and mulch from. With handy jump links!

Part 2: How-tos from revenue forum bundle local and niche publisher tactics for sustainability

How-tos of basic business practices Does managing a sales staff stretch your comfort zone? What are all the different products you offer? How much do you pay for paper clips? The content here distilled from the recent JA forum on increasing revenue, where publishers running local and niche news sites shared what they’ve learned about...

Part 3: Memorable quotes from revenue forum reveal perspective and promise

The metaphor is reborn: “content is NOT king; it is queen. The point is that community building is king.” Does this yield collaboration as offspring? Affirmations and wisdom to inspire

JA sustainability forum deconstructed: Publishers dish revenue models, tactics and cautions

Nuggets from two days of talk on money and publishing. How do you build half a dozen revenue streams? What do partnerships look like through a financial lens? Tips to use, connections to make.

Google Moderator

Got a topic to discuss with your community? Google Moderator helps streamline the process, making it easier for people to post thoughts, offer their comments and ask questions.

JA forum day 3: Iteration, refinements, get the RSS feed

This is a quick post for the community, reporting out real time on what’s been developing in the forum over the past couple of days. We convened the conversation in slices: Day one the forum explored collaboration, yesterday we dove into collaboration, today the final segment of this conversation addresses money. The content stream contributors are generously offering insights, curiosity, tools, experience, suggestions, hopes, and frustrations around the question in play. And behind the scenes, crucially, we’re tracking how this is all unfolding.


A powerful crowdsourcing tool, SeeClickFix documents issues that “become the seeds for news stories, investigative reports, and citizen advocacy pieces.” Check out their text and map widget!
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