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Small Biz Survival

Illuminating the challenges faced by small businesses in small towns and rural areas, with insight into useful tactics for achieving success and overcoming challenges.

Publisher point-of-view: What’s your revenue story?

What paths to financial sustainability in local news publishing will emerge in 2012? Join in Feb. 28th and 29th to trade experience and compare your revenue mix with a wide range of publishers.

Ten Nonprofit Funding Models

Beneficiaries are not customers: A sharp and specific guide to nonprofit business models offering insight to more effectively run or build one.

The National Institute on Money in State Politics: Follow the Money

A treasure trove of data to help you inform your communities; follow the Money is the only program in the nation that provides high-quality campaign spending data across all fifty states to further the public good.

The Story So Far: What We Know About the Business of Digital Journalism

Columbia Journalism Review offers a useful assessment on “what we know [so far] about the business of digital journalism.”
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