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JA Tech Profile: Why adopt responsive design?

Differentiating between a fad and a fundamental, the JA shares tips, sources and context how your business may be stronger with it.


High quality (and free) downloadable case studies and inspirational success stories on building revenue and audience; Epublisher, a premium priced eCommerce services shop, offers rich experience.

AltWeeklies Content Exchange

A content exchange to offer your content to the world, and get a stream from alt weekies to deepen your coverage. A win win where local stories turn national, a member based community working smart.


A 'social screening platform' for watching PBS and local public television programs online and on demand. This new platform delivers a model for thinking about news across platforms.

Cartoon Movement

Enjoy, rank, offer and source cartoons and comic journalism on this collaborative cartoon publishing platform, built to meet community needs for easy, fair distribution and fresh revenue models.

Filling the Meter: Measuring the Effectiveness of Paywalls for Online Revenue

The fresh eyes of a next generation journalist examine paywalls and concludes they are “the best option for newspapers moving forward.” How to sell customers? "It's a matter of fairness."

Press+ Connecting content with commerce

Pitching an easy paywall platform. The pitch? The ability for you to run the dashboard with eight types of content to sell and eight different ways to sell it. What would your community choose?

Easy to use index: Find emerging practices, publisher techniques and revenue forum how-to tips

Two days, 300 comments and 50 participants later, what did we learn? Publishers share revenue practices offered in a comprehensive easy to use index to help you hammer out new tracks to prosperity.

Part 1: Emerging practices from revenue forum bundle local and niche publisher secrets for success

Go deep, surface themes, full metal distillation of the forum sliced into a usable body of knowledge you can build on, grow and mulch from. With handy jump links!

Part 2: How-tos from revenue forum bundle local and niche publisher tactics for sustainability

How-tos of basic business practices Does managing a sales staff stretch your comfort zone? What are all the different products you offer? How much do you pay for paper clips? The content here distilled from the recent JA forum on increasing revenue, where publishers running local and niche news sites shared what they’ve learned about...
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