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JA Resource Q&A: “See the documents that support fact-checks”

Quick tips on keeping the record straight with U.S. economic data: how to recognize squishy figures, provide direct documentation and offer much more than numbers alone.


Layering a specific need into fact-checking options, Sunlight and IRE join forces, creating this handy way to verify politicians' economic claims. A guide to datasets, including easy explainers.

A Guide to Effective Fact Checking On-air and Online

Five steps for analyzing political ads, nine “patterns of deception” to watch for and specific tips on presentation. Highly practical as ads spiral high in cost and share of air.

Conversations for impact: New ethical considerations for political coverage

Can media, collectively, change the game of political reporting? Check out conversations on new approaches to increase accountability and accuracy, delivering information a democracy deserves.

Ten hot ethical challenges facing political reporting in 2012

Ten key ethical challenges in political journalism heating up in the 2012 election year, from social to data to bringing more truth to the system.

Verify U.S. Federal Government Social Media Accounts

Did the government really say that? In a viral world, it’s worth verifying. Use this new tool to check whether a government agency has registered a social source.

Politifact’s Truth-O-Meter

Draw on the fact-checking prowess of Politifact and embed their national research and accuracy ratings of political claims right on your site. Inspiration for a local effort?


“Your guide to good journalism.” Special for elections: investigative reporting plus community/crowd fact-checks hoping to help keep politicos honest.
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