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“Your guide to good journalism.” Special for elections: investigative reporting plus community/crowd fact-checks hoping to help keep politicos honest.


NewsTrust helps people find and share good journalism online, so they can make more informed decisions as citizens.

Our nonprofit news service provides a wide range of tools that empower citizens to access quality news and information — and learn to separate fact from fiction about important public issues. We promote good journalism, news literacy and civic engagement — and we welcome donations to support our service.

Programs, our social news network, features a daily feed of quality news and opinions from mainstream and independent sources, based on ratings from our reviewers. Our web review tools enable people to rate stories for accuracy, fairness, sourcing, context and other core journalistic principles — and become more discriminating news consumers in the process. We also rate our reviewers based on performance, to increase the reliability of our reviews and help them grow their own news literacy. Besides our social news site, we offer a range of practical online tools, such as Truthsquad, a community fact-checking service — and MyNews, a personal filter that lets you find news that matters to you, by following favorite topics, trusted sources, as well as recommendations from your friends on Facebook and Twitter. We also host regular News Hunts to get citizens better informed about important public issues — and help teach news literacy through a variety of online guidesteacher guides and student guides.” Source: NewsTrust


“How can you tell fact from fiction on the Internet? Join Truthsquad, a community fact-checking experiment led by NewsTrust, in partnership with the Center for Public Integrity.

Together, we are developing a pro-am network to fact-check political claims during the 2012 elections — and aim to extend this small pilot site into a daily service by early 2012. By combining the Center’s newsroom of investigative journalists with our moderated crowd-sourcing service and contributions from our partners, we hope to provide daily fact-checks, as well as engage visitors as active participants to verify controversial claims. Read more about our plans on the NewsTrust blog and in these recent articles from The Atlantic and Nieman Journalism Lab…

To hear more about the Truthsquad experiment, check our report on PBS MediaShift about what we learned from our first pilots — as well as posts from GigaOM and Craig Newmark.” Source: NewsTrust


The Journalism Accelerator is not responsible for the content we post here, as excerpts from the source, or links on those sites. The JA does not endorse these sites or their products outright but we sure are intrigued with what they’re up to.