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Conversations for impact: New ethical considerations for political coverage

Can media, collectively, change the game of political reporting? Check out conversations on new approaches to increase accountability and accuracy, delivering information a democracy deserves.

Political coverage: Responsive and responsible? Help inform a best practices guide

How do you handle ethical dilemmas on the political beat? Help create a new Ethics Best Practices Guide to Political Coverage!

Center for Journalism Ethics, University of Wisconsin-Madison

A center to guide, examine, and encourage action, as“[u]pheavals in journalism have bequeathed to journalists a dizzying whirlpool of ethical issues.”

The Poynter Institute

For more than 35 years, “thousands of journalists, teachers and members of the public have come to Poynter to learn” how to make smart journalism work.

Committee of Concerned Journalists

Discussion, tools, articles, workshops and forums by a number of leading thinkers in publishing, news reporting and the academy.
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