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The Center for Digital Information

CDI helps publishers and others communicate in a way that takes full advantage of digital. Offering a fundamental rethinking designed to keep “vital information” read and understood.


“Your guide to good journalism.” Special for elections: investigative reporting plus community/crowd fact-checks hoping to help keep politicos honest.

The Reporters Committee for Freedom of the Press

Offering loads of resources and legal perspective, “the Committee has played a role in virtually every significant press freedom case that has come before the Supreme Court.”

National Freedom of Information Coalition

With a goal of "ensuring everyone’s right to information," the National Freedom of Information Coalition has been actively supporting state member groups' and journalists' right of open access to information since 1991.

David Herzog's Open Missouri project delivers the state's largest independent directory of government databases, with tips to help empower citizens, journalists and communities.

Free Press

Big fans of the First Amendment, Free Press supports our nation’s right to be informed. Advocates of the public good, their campaigns preserve and expand the possibilities for journalism.

FCC Report: The Information Needs of Communities

465 pages, 600+ interviews over 18 months: “Diagnosis is sound, but the remedies are lacking.”


The purpose of Data.Seattle.Gov is to increase public access to high value, machine-readable datasets generated by various departments of Seattle City Government.” Source: Data.Seattle.Gov

Josh Stearns Talks Independent Voices in a Consolidating World

Josh Stearns is an associate director at Free Press, a nonprofit organization working to reform media. He manages the journalism, public media and media consolidation campaigns.

Seattle Public Library Fuels Seattle’s News and Information Ecosystem

Marsha Iverson is the King County Library’s public relations specialist. Iverson outlines how libraries offer valuable data, and access to top notch fact checking, as a free service available to all news and information producers.
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