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Developing new ways to unearth, report and share the news, coupled with the application of new technology to seed relationships with readers, has forever changed the relationship between reader and journalist. Ethics, transparency and reporting in the digital age require much more than just a compelling lede and tight nut graf. Multimedia storytelling can involve everything from video to soundslides, from mobile devices to Twitter, from Facebook to foursquare, with new forms of storytelling surfacing daily.

How can the media consistently deliver the political coverage citizens deserve?

Attack ads, staged events, campaign lies…secret videos, dramatic tweets, big money. This is all familiar ground. Could different political coverage better help voters make their decisions?

What are the best ways to call out misconstrued facts in politics?

What are the best practices for journalists covering politics to call out misconstrued facts or outright lies in reporting or while interviewing? How can the public to hold reporters accountable?

How do you manage the ethical minefields of “access journalism”?

Election 2012 sees political sources working overtime to control their image. What do you do if a source insists on approving all quotes? Should reporters move away from seeking access to power?

What ethical challenges arise when social media and political reporting collide?

American voters are ever more in need of accurate, relevant information – and increasingly used to voicing their desires and demands instantly online. How does this affect political coverage?

What kind of election coverage do you want to bring to your community in 2012?

The 2012 elections are already underway. For many publishers, elections present an opportunity to cement community ties – to go beyond horserace coverage, to tap into local knowledge and to root out information people are hungry to have before voting. How can news sites best respond to community needs around the election? What tools, resources, and collaborations are worth trying? What financial and ethical questions around elections do publishers want answered? This question has a lot of answers—to view by way of RSS, click here.

How are new online news sites building credibility with readers, the community and funders?

Different types of news and styles of reporting connect and serve audiences in different ways. What factors accelerate – or diminish – a site’s credibility?
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