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B Corps

Can a company be profitable and benefit its community? B Corp certification ensures businesses meet "rigorous standards of social and environmental performance, accountability, and transparency."

2012: What we know now on the value of volunteers, intentional conversation and collaboration for non-profit media

Does the key to journalism's prosperous future hinge on making connections among colleagues, between the media and public, and within the industry itself?

2012: What we know now on building public trust, raising money and a free press powered by the people

Will reinventing journalism as an interactive endeavor, simply remembering to ask for donation, or the creation of news value through the lens of people’s needs reveal fresh revenue tracks?


A popular destination for anyone interested in journalism, the Newseum is a resource for pros with discussions on media issues and uploads of hundreds of newspaper front pages daily.

2012: What we know now on local advertising, meeting the needs of communities and customer connection

Part two in our four-part series of 2012 surfaces lessons from a profitable newspaper startup, the nuances of executing digital ad campaigns and moving beyond revenue to meet customer needs.

Was 2012 the year of the prosperous publisher? What we know now

Business training, culture changing. Nuggets of new knowledge from a range of perspectives on news publishing, engagement and revenue. Chart your course for 2013.

2012: The year of the prosperous publisher

The Chinese calendar predicted high risks and rewards in 2012, the celebrated Year of the Dragon. As this year wraps up, check out what a range of leaders working for sustainability in the news business expected, and share what you learned in 2012.

Newsonomics: How the emerging business of digital news shapes what we read and know

In the “age of Darwinian content” media analyst Ken Doctor probes the economics of journalism with insights so sharp Nieman and others cite his writing and source his findings.

The Economist Future of News Series

The Economist presents a rich bundle of perspective on the business of news past, future and present.
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