Resources Related to Journalism and Craft
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New technology has powered entirely new forms and ways of finding, reporting and telling stories. Issues of ethics, transparency and access are redefining the role of journalism daily. The immediacy of a virtual world raises questions of—and opportunities for—the role of news producers in their communities. Here we take a look at some of the ways journalism innovators are moving the craft forward. We’ve only scratched the surface; what do you think?
Votes, shooting, sports: top, breaking news deserves comprehensive live coverage. Hyperlocal leaders apply this tool to meld multimedia, social and real time coverage.
Posted on December 29, 2011
Topics: Craft Resources Technology
“Promoting the effective administration of justice,” here’s a comprehensive, state-by-state guide to judicial elections, recall, campaign rules, selection methods, criteria and resources.
Posted on December 29, 2011
Topics: Craft Education Resources
With warp drive analysis and reporting, Nieman Lab beams readers to the cyber-edge of journalism, probing technologies, techniques and philosophies of innovators navigating the digital frontier.
Posted on December 16, 2011
Topics: Community Craft Distribution Education Experiments Resources Revenue Technology
Block by Block founder Michele McLellan’s pioneering work brings a first-to-market comprehensive list of new media hyperlocal publishers, mapping the emerging taxonomy.
Posted on December 16, 2011
Topics: Community Craft Experiments Resources
“Giving freelance journalists a new way to efficiently manage their work,” Contently proudly notes “writers from The New York Times, Boston Globe, Wired” as customers.
Posted on December 16, 2011
Topics: Craft Distribution Experiments Resources
Bridging the digital divide with new media techniques to deliver content products to market, KDMC offers fellowships, access to experience and expertise.
Posted on November 23, 2011
Topics: Craft Education Resources Technology
Chronicling journalism for half a century, the CJR outs trends and offers analysis from a wide range of experts on the evolving, expanding field of journalism.
Posted on November 23, 2011
Topics: Community Craft Education Policy Resources Technology
Networking nonprofit investigative news outlets to leverage resources and know-how.
Posted on November 16, 2011
Topics: Community Craft Policy Resources
Spotting, tracking and explaining trends and practices, Pew research offers rich insights into media, people, and the changing ways they interact.
Posted on November 16, 2011
Topics: Community Craft Education Experiments Policy Resources Technology
“Keeping government honest” - CPI, PRI and Global Integrity unite forces to investigate the integrity of all 50 state governments and lay groundwork for deeper local digging.
Posted on November 11, 2011
Topics: Community Craft Experiments Policy Resources