Resources Related to Journalism and Community
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New technologies have redefined the relationship between news producers and consumers and among media organizations. Here are examples of how some organizations are developing innovative new ways to interact with their audiences, collaborate with them and to partner with fellow news producers. What else do you think should be listed here? Weigh in, suggest a resource and let us know why you think it’s helpful.
Improve your audience understanding by capturing reactions in the moment as people read, see or hear your content. The concept of comment threads, but deeply interactive. Embed with a button.
Posted on October 11, 2012
Topics: Community Resources Technology
Distilling research and the practices of major newsrooms to a top ten list capturing the essence of 140 character journalism communication. Subscription version highlights useful examples.
Posted on September 10, 2012
Topics: Community Craft Resources
Offering insights to the highs and lows of freelancing, useful broad context as more journalists become self-employed. Findings explore attitude, practices and entrepreneurial success.
Posted on September 10, 2012
Topics: Community Resources
Go deep, reach out, play with form, promote participation. Just some of the best practices in this guide for journalism in the public service contextualized by the shifting media world.
Posted on September 10, 2012
Topics: Community Craft Resources
A mobile platform aiming to up engagement, improve citizen reporting and increase revenue by building in ad space, verification tools, and automatic releases on content sent right to your system.
Posted on August 17, 2012
Topics: Community Resources Revenue Technology
Real experiences of news entrepreneurs make J-Lab's living ethics guide a smart source to work through new challenges. Including sections on police, privacy, advertising and conversation.
Posted on August 16, 2012
Topics: Community Craft Resources
Kickstarting a fight against Washington State's "information ghettos" where "vast areas of the state are starved" of relevant local news. "The stakes the heart of the democratic process."
Posted on August 14, 2012
Topics: Community Education Policy Resources
Interested in "creating positive community change through collaboration"? This Canada-based organization hopes to, offering cross-industry experience, deep research and ideas.
Posted on July 13, 2012
Topics: Community Policy Resources
Enjoy, rank, offer and source cartoons and comic journalism on this collaborative cartoon publishing platform, built to meet community needs for easy, fair distribution and fresh revenue models.
Posted on July 13, 2012
Topics: Community Distribution Experiments Resources Revenue
A deliberate experiment connecting professional journalists, citizens and whistle-blowers; a source of stories on corruption worldwide; potential inspiration for your own reporting and engagement.
Posted on June 27, 2012
Topics: Community Craft Experiments Resources