Resources Related to Journalism and Community
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New technologies have redefined the relationship between news producers and consumers and among media organizations. Here are examples of how some organizations are developing innovative new ways to interact with their audiences, collaborate with them and to partner with fellow news producers. What else do you think should be listed here? Weigh in, suggest a resource and let us know why you think it’s helpful.
Founded in January 2009, PubliCola is a blog about Seattle written by journalists who are dedicated to non-partisan, original daily reporting that prioritizes a balanced approach to news. Started by longtime local editor and award-winning reporter Josh Feit, PubliCola is the first online-only news site in state history to get media credentials to cover the...
Posted on April 14, 2011
Topics: Community Craft Experiments Resources
Next Door Media is a network of ten trusted neighborhood news sites and a regional portal in the North Seattle area, the first of its kind in the country and the most-trafficked in the city. Founded in Ballard in early 2008 by two longtime journalists, Kate and Cory Bergman, Next Door Media is committed to...
Posted on April 14, 2011
Topics: Community Craft Experiments Resources
Seattle-based Newsvine, Inc. was launched in March 2006 by a small team of like-minded colleagues with one purpose: to build a perfectly different, perfectly efficient way to read, write, and interact with the news. Founded by veterans of Disney, ESPN, and other media organizations, the mission of Newsvine is to bring together big and little...
Posted on April 14, 2011
Topics: Community Experiments Resources Technology
The news on is mostly from the Associated Press. The blogs are from three Bonneville broadcast outlets – News Talk 97.3 KIRO FM, 770 KTTH The Truth talk radio, and 710 ESPN Seattle.
Posted on April 14, 2011
Topics: Community Resources Technology
A “citizen powered” voters guide; a “public square” for discussing ballot measures. Easy to contribute, to see what others think, and to get alerts about new information as the election evolves.
Posted on April 14, 2011
Topics: Community Experiments Policy Resources
Ten initiatives were either spawned or invigorated at the Journalism That Matters Pacific Northwest gathering in January 2009. Slightly more than a year later, nine of those are moving forward. The initiatives, with links to their current status, are: JTMPNW Collaboratory is an ongoing initiative to encourage experimentation and collaboration to improve the news and...
Posted on April 13, 2011
Topics: Community Craft Experiments Resources
InvestigateWest says it “rose from the ashes of the Seattle Post-Intelligencer” but prides itself on not being “limited by those roots.” Founded in July 2009, it is a nonprofit organization dedicated to investigative and narrative journalism whose mission statement says, in part: The old model for supporting and conducting public service journalism has collapsed. Thousands of traditional...
Posted on April 13, 2011
Topics: Community Craft Experiments Resources
Intersect is a place to celebrate and share stories of all kinds from throughout our lives – past, present, and future. Stories are the way we connect with each other, find common ground, and communicate values. At Intersect, we love stories— from the silly and fun to the deeply meaningful. Our goal is to make...
Posted on April 13, 2011
Topics: Community Craft Experiments Resources
Founded in 1998, HistoryLink calls itself the “free online encyclopedia of Washington State History” and says it is “the first and largest encyclopedia of community history created expressly for the Internet.” With more than 5,550 original, sourced essays as of March 2010, it is an incredible public resource. The nonprofit site says it serves an...
Posted on April 6, 2011
Topics: Community Resources