Living Voters Guide

How would you interact with an Online Voter’s Guide that lets you register your approval by degree (with a slider) and add your opinion to others on an election issue?
CityClub of Seattle and the University of Washington’s Center for Communication & Civic Engagement and its Department of Computer Science and Engineering have collaborated to produce the Living Voters Guide, a web-based resource to advance digital democracy in Washington State. The time to interact is now!
With funding from the National Science Foundation, the online resource was developed to promote community discourse and deliberation on the critical ballot measures before Washington voters this November.
The civic technology is inspired by three goals:
– Restoring trust in our neighbors.
– Learning to trust our community’s wisdom.
– Demonstrating trust in Jefferson’s claim that an informed citizenry is the bulwark of a democracy.” Source: Seattle 24×7
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Topics: Community Experiments Policy Resources
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3 comments so far.
Living Voters Guide 2011 is back in action on 10/5/2011. It has expanded this year to cover all state-wide measures, as well as local measures when a user includes his/her zip code. Citizens can weigh in on and hear from others on every ballot measure for his/her county. To see it expand to the state level is pretty exciting. Great tool for citizens and useful for journalists too!
This is pretty neat. It looks like it would be great thing if other states had this, too.
Thanks Josh! Scaling it up to the national level would be very exciting. We’re getting great responses organizations at the civic and government level so it very well could translate over to other states in the near future.