Blog Posts About Journalism and Distribution
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Looking to the future of journalism, might networked collaboration yield greater return?
Asking if journalism has effectively defined this yet, there may be more than one answer.
Posted by Jo Ellen Green Kaiser on September 23, 2013
Topics: Blog Distribution
To optimize your experience at conferences, formulate a social plan to build a rich narrative and broaden connections. Check out how the JA reached out before, during and after a recent event.
Posted by Nicole Staudinger on April 26, 2013
Topics: Blog Distribution
JA How-To: Social tools you can use to grow your business
Experts predict 2013 will be the “first year that social media eclipses search as the leading source of referral traffic to publishers.”
Posted by Nicole Staudinger on March 1, 2013
Topics: Blog Distribution
Whether you’re part of a large media company or a solo show, how to build a social management system that’s organized and strategic. Highlights from a JA resource Q&A.
Posted by Nicole Staudinger on October 22, 2012
Topics: Blog Community Distribution
“Sometimes you can get impact by reaching a lot of people, sometimes you get impact by reaching the right people.” ProPublica's Stephen Engelberg on purpose, money, and nonprofit news.
Posted by Emily Harris on August 10, 2012
Topics: Blog Community Craft Distribution Education Experiments Policy Revenue Technology
An investigative report reveals the complexities of collaboration in five basic steps, laying the groundwork for partnerships that could bring in joint revenue.
Posted by Emily Harris on June 25, 2012
Topics: Blog Craft Distribution Experiments Revenue
Two days, 300 comments and 50 participants later, what did we learn? Publishers share revenue practices offered in a comprehensive easy to use index to help you hammer out new tracks to prosperity.
Posted by Emily Harris on March 21, 2012
Topics: Blog Community Distribution Revenue
Go deep, surface themes, full metal distillation of the forum sliced into a usable body of knowledge you can build on, grow and mulch from. With handy jump links!
Posted by Emily Harris on March 21, 2012
Topics: Blog Community Distribution Revenue
How-tos of basic business practices Does managing a sales staff stretch your comfort zone? What are all the different products you offer? How much do you pay for paper clips? The content here distilled from the recent JA forum on increasing revenue, where publishers running local and niche news sites shared what they’ve learned about...
Posted by Emily Harris on March 21, 2012
Topics: Blog Community Distribution Revenue
The metaphor is reborn: “content is NOT king; it is queen. The point is that community building is king.” Does this yield collaboration as offspring? Affirmations and wisdom to inspire
Posted by Emily Harris on March 21, 2012
Topics: Blog Community Distribution Revenue