Resources Related to Journalism and Technology
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With digital applications changing as fast as the news cycle, journalists are working harder than ever to think on their feet and adapt quickly to new technologies with a clearer understanding of what’s working for others and what’s not. This section showcases “real time” examples of how others are using technology to enhance their work. Recommend technology that is advancing your work or let us know of a technology you think others might want to avoid and why.
Beneficiaries are not customers: A sharp and specific guide to nonprofit business models offering insight to more effectively run or build one.
Posted on November 23, 2011
Topics: Community Education Resources Revenue Technology
A long-established, donor-supported membership organization fighting to protect fundamental freedoms in the electronic, networked world.
Posted on November 16, 2011
Topics: Community Policy Resources Technology
“Unlocking the power of text,” DiscoverText offers new analytic tools to mine text including public comments, FOIA processing, legal eDiscovery, social media, research and more.
Posted on November 16, 2011
Topics: Community Resources Technology
Spotting, tracking and explaining trends and practices, Pew research offers rich insights into media, people, and the changing ways they interact.
Posted on November 16, 2011
Topics: Community Craft Education Experiments Policy Resources Technology
Tracking real-time reader response, newsbeat gives publishers the tools to understand and engage their audiences at the granular and broad-brush level.
Posted on November 11, 2011
Topics: Community Distribution Resources Revenue Technology
Reporting on trends and emerging practices, Street Fight publishes “ideas about sustainable business models for the hyperlocal news, information and advertising.”
Posted on November 11, 2011
Topics: Distribution Experiments Resources Revenue Technology
Mediashift correspondents report how new online communication tools are changing the media world. Analysis and a daily "must reads" feed.
Posted on November 1, 2011
Topics: Community Distribution Experiments Resources Technology
"The broad landscape of online local news is easy to summarize. . .Newspapers and television stations dominate what local news can be found online."
Posted on October 25, 2011
Topics: Distribution Resources Technology
More jobs, higher profits and a record amount of local TV news.
Posted on October 25, 2011
Topics: Experiments Resources Technology
Stanford University’s collection of videos and podcasts featuring lectures by entrepreneurial thought leaders.
Posted on October 4, 2011
Topics: Craft Education Resources Revenue Technology