Resources Related to Journalism and Revenue
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The need to find sustainable revenue streams and ways of successfully operating a small business is inspiring many journalism innovators to explore a range of business models. What’s working — or not working — for you? JA is gathering a range of experiments for (and from) the JA community to learn more about how others are resourcing their work and serving the unique needs of their audiences.
Combining practical perspective on journalism in the public interest with sustainable income. “Intended to provide explicit strategic and tactical advice for growing earned revenue streams.”
Posted on April 6, 2012
Topics: Craft Distribution Resources Revenue
Crack the IRS code on nonprofit status using this Q&A guide designed with publishers in mind. The Berkman Center’s Digital Media Law Project breaks down complex information into bite-sized bits.
Posted on April 6, 2012
Topics: Policy Resources Revenue
Compare and contrast. Chart your future with Pew’s 2012 industry assessment. Most media sectors “managed to stop the audience losses” and mobile “may lead to a deeper experience with news.”
Posted on April 6, 2012
Topics: Distribution Resources Revenue Technology
This week we curated lists, scoped America's media landscape, converted brand to revenue, and "newsgathered on the cheap." Plus: lessons learned from opensource and startups.
Posted on March 28, 2012
Topics: Experiments Innovation Revenue Tweets for Keeps
Pitching an easy paywall platform. The pitch? The ability for you to run the dashboard with eight types of content to sell and eight different ways to sell it. What would your community choose?
Posted on March 26, 2012
Topics: Distribution Experiments Resources Revenue
Not all papers are swept up in negative trends; company culture plays a big role. Hard-to-get sales and revenue numbers reveal new insights.
Posted on March 11, 2012
Topics: Distribution Revenue Technology
Targeting “print media execs...transitioning their business to emedia,” this niche online pub aggregates highly relevant news daily and crafts how-to ebooks useful for any digital publisher.
Posted on March 11, 2012
Topics: Distribution Revenue Technology
Knight report examining eight nonprofit news locals finds three need-to-succeed basics: executable biz strategy, innovative audience engagement, and tech to support. VoSD, TX Trib, MinnPost included.
Posted on March 11, 2012
Topics: Community Resources Revenue Technology
Medill grad student research cooked this up: “A step-by-step process that can be used to create a business out of a hyperlocal news website.” Bright minds ask fresh questions.
Posted on February 24, 2012
Topics: Experiments Resources Revenue
Curious how to "size up the market, harness technology, turn your idea into a product or service...and launch?" Mark Briggs’ latest installment on innovation details real stories of success.
Posted on February 24, 2012
Topics: Distribution Resources Revenue