Knight Foundation Report: Getting Local: How Nonprofit News Ventures Seek Sustainability

- Links: Website | News Release | Knight Foundation | On Twitter | On Facebook
- Tags: Business Models, Community Engagement, Foundations, Grants, Knight Foundation, Local News, Nonprofit, Public Interest, Report
In the emerging landscape of non-profit news, good journalism is not enough. Even with generous foundation support, high-quality reporting alone will not create an organization that can sustain its ability to produce news in the public interest.
Instead, successful news organizations – even the nonprofit ones – have to act like digital businesses, making revenue experimentation, entrepreneurship and community engagement important pieces of the mix. Understanding how to create social and economic value and how to adapt and innovate are just as important as good content.
…“Getting Local,” offers a detailed look at some of the country’s leading online local nonprofit news ventures, providing data on how they are generating revenue, engaging users and cultivating donors.
It also offers a useful way for foundations and others interested in supporting nonprofit news to think about and assess the sustainability of these types of emerging organizations.” Source: Getting Local: How Nonprofit News Ventures Seek Sustainability
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