Resources Related to Journalism and Technology
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With digital applications changing as fast as the news cycle, journalists are working harder than ever to think on their feet and adapt quickly to new technologies with a clearer understanding of what’s working for others and what’s not. This section showcases “real time” examples of how others are using technology to enhance their work. Recommend technology that is advancing your work or let us know of a technology you think others might want to avoid and why.
Designed to visualize multiple metrics to track your success and tell your story, Sparkwise builds in calls-to-action to measure the real-world impact of your work.
Posted on April 19, 2012
Topics: Community Resources Technology
Capturing the multifaceted dimension of the social Web, this media rich storytelling form provides publishers a tool to curate community generated content of events, meetings, or breaking news.
Posted on April 19, 2012
Topics: Community Craft Distribution Resources Technology
A new timeline tool designed to be easy on the eyes and easy to use, courtesy of Medill's Knight News Innovation Lab. You choose: template or code. Some free assistance for publishers “of all sizes.”
Posted on April 6, 2012
Topics: Craft Distribution Resources Technology
Compare and contrast. Chart your future with Pew’s 2012 industry assessment. Most media sectors “managed to stop the audience losses” and mobile “may lead to a deeper experience with news.”
Posted on April 6, 2012
Topics: Distribution Resources Revenue Technology
A living, usable frame for you to use: what the Argo project has explored along the way to multimedia blogging bliss, offers mulch to help your site thrive. “Capitalize, synthesize, harmonize...”
Posted on March 26, 2012
Topics: Distribution Experiments Resources Technology
The style guide of the times – do you keep all those symbols when you quote from Twitter? Debate over the 99 cent story model, and tough questions designed to change a newsroom's success mindset.
Posted on March 15, 2012
Topics: Technology Tweets for Keeps
Not all papers are swept up in negative trends; company culture plays a big role. Hard-to-get sales and revenue numbers reveal new insights.
Posted on March 11, 2012
Topics: Distribution Revenue Technology
Specializing in data “ingestion, analysis and portability,” Bluekai’s free whitepaper on data management platforms helps target content to satisfy your audience and bottom line.
Posted on March 11, 2012
Topics: Community Technology
Targeting “print media execs...transitioning their business to emedia,” this niche online pub aggregates highly relevant news daily and crafts how-to ebooks useful for any digital publisher.
Posted on March 11, 2012
Topics: Distribution Revenue Technology
Knight report examining eight nonprofit news locals finds three need-to-succeed basics: executable biz strategy, innovative audience engagement, and tech to support. VoSD, TX Trib, MinnPost included.
Posted on March 11, 2012
Topics: Community Resources Revenue Technology