Resources Related to Journalism and Revenue
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The need to find sustainable revenue streams and ways of successfully operating a small business is inspiring many journalism innovators to explore a range of business models. What’s working — or not working — for you? JA is gathering a range of experiments for (and from) the JA community to learn more about how others are resourcing their work and serving the unique needs of their audiences.
Quantcast Learning Center
Who is your audience? How are similar online news ventures doing? Quantcast offers one solution that “provides free, directly measured traffic and audience composition reports” to up clarity and ad rates.Posted on February 8, 2012
Topics: Distribution Resources Revenue
Finding your funding model (Stanford Social Innovation Review)
For current or potential nonprofit publishers: specific, thoughtful research to help you “identify and develop the right funding model.” Practical guidance to start out or scale up for success.Online Publishers Association
The other online publishing news association. Membership is pricey, but the site offers free, useful research on trends in advertising and technology. Representing the interests of publishers.Posted on January 27, 2012
Topics: Craft Policy Resources Revenue
Predictions for Journalism 2012 (Nieman Lab)
Will social media get boring? Will Amazon conquer? See 23 predictions for journalism in 2012 that could inspire your future. These bright writers weigh in on what may matter most.Posted on January 27, 2012
Topics: Craft Distribution Resources Revenue Technology
New Voices: What Works
J-Lab examines “what worked and what didn’t” after five years of grants to local news projects. 2010 lessons on what leads to growth or disappointment still timely.Posted on January 12, 2012
Topics: Community Craft Distribution Education Experiments Resources Revenue Technology
Business Model Generation
Business Model Generation includes a book co-created by "470 practitioners," hands-on tools and a forum. All to "systematically understand, design and implement" new biz models or refresh the mix.Posted on January 12, 2012
Topics: Education Resources Revenue
Chronicling “the economic evolution of digital content that is shaping the future of the media, information and entertainment industries,” paidContent is a one-stop info shop on content monetization.Posted on January 12, 2012
Topics: Distribution Resources Revenue Technology
Newsonomics: How the emerging business of digital news shapes what we read and know
In the “age of Darwinian content” media analyst Ken Doctor probes the economics of journalism with insights so sharp Nieman and others cite his writing and source his findings.Posted on December 28, 2011
Topics: Education Resources Revenue Technology
Nieman Journalism Lab
With warp drive analysis and reporting, Nieman Lab beams readers to the cyber-edge of journalism, probing technologies, techniques and philosophies of innovators navigating the digital frontier.Posted on December 16, 2011
Topics: Community Craft Distribution Education Experiments Resources Revenue Technology