Resources Related to Journalism and Revenue
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The need to find sustainable revenue streams and ways of successfully operating a small business is inspiring many journalism innovators to explore a range of business models. What’s working — or not working — for you? JA is gathering a range of experiments for (and from) the JA community to learn more about how others are resourcing their work and serving the unique needs of their audiences.
A mobile platform aiming to up engagement, improve citizen reporting and increase revenue by building in ad space, verification tools, and automatic releases on content sent right to your system.
Posted on August 17, 2012
Topics: Community Resources Revenue Technology
Enjoy, rank, offer and source cartoons and comic journalism on this collaborative cartoon publishing platform, built to meet community needs for easy, fair distribution and fresh revenue models.
Posted on July 13, 2012
Topics: Community Distribution Experiments Resources Revenue
Findings from four major journalism funders leveraging millions of dollars over seven years. One key: make fundraising daily work. Useful to understand the landscape or plan your own strategy.
Posted on June 27, 2012
Topics: Experiments Resources Revenue
“Pull people in” with this guide to the marketing use of Twitter that can help publishers or reporters think through deep engagement. A layered approach offers nuanced nuggets for a rich return.
Posted on June 15, 2012
Topics: Community Resources Revenue Technology
The fresh eyes of a next generation journalist examine paywalls and concludes they are “the best option for newspapers moving forward.” How to sell customers? "It's a matter of fairness."
Posted on June 15, 2012
Topics: Experiments Resources Revenue
A searchable database to help journalism startups see into others’ success. Want to review “financially sustainable business model[s]...? Browse case studies...find one that suits your site.”
Posted on June 1, 2012
Topics: Resources Revenue
In a JA thread, Sally Duros recommends this as a "favorite resource for analyzing collaborations." Offering perspective on how shrinking competition in journalism enables new experiments.
Posted on June 1, 2012
Topics: Experiments Resources Revenue
Money tips: how collaboration and crowdfunding can help up publisher revenue. Brainfood: how to quantify journalists' credibility and conversing (and listening) online.
Posted on May 16, 2012
Topics: Revenue Tweets for Keeps
A deep dive into trends pushing publishers as digital demands rise, including research on revenue sources. Focused on magazines; content and financial gleanings inform other platforms.
Posted on May 3, 2012
Topics: Distribution Resources Revenue Technology
A blog tracking the sweet spot where people push new ideas forward together, leveraging social networking and consumer tech. Big ideas to enhance your thinking through change.
Posted on May 3, 2012
Topics: Experiments Resources Revenue Technology