Resources Related to Journalism and Experiments
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Evolving technologies and revenue challenges are encouraging news and information producers to experiment like never before. We’re blown away by how some are attempting to create new opportunities and expand the definition of what journalism can be. New trends are emerging hourly. Share with us the experiments you think are important.
A blog tracking the sweet spot where people push new ideas forward together, leveraging social networking and consumer tech. Big ideas to enhance your thinking through change.
Posted on May 3, 2012
Topics: Experiments Resources Revenue Technology
This week, we examine the importance of youth and diversity in media, then share tips to get the job done: build a local news site, crowdsource content with consent, and leverage sales staff.
Posted on April 12, 2012
Topics: Education Experiments Innovation Policy Tweets for Keeps
This week we curated lists, scoped America's media landscape, converted brand to revenue, and "newsgathered on the cheap." Plus: lessons learned from opensource and startups.
Posted on March 28, 2012
Topics: Experiments Innovation Revenue Tweets for Keeps
MediaShift heightens its focus on collaboration, a “matter of survival for many journalistic organizations.” New site offers a deep archive of articles and collection of collaboration resources.
Posted on March 26, 2012
Topics: Community Distribution Experiments Resources
A living, usable frame for you to use: what the Argo project has explored along the way to multimedia blogging bliss, offers mulch to help your site thrive. “Capitalize, synthesize, harmonize...”
Posted on March 26, 2012
Topics: Distribution Experiments Resources Technology
Pitching an easy paywall platform. The pitch? The ability for you to run the dashboard with eight types of content to sell and eight different ways to sell it. What would your community choose?
Posted on March 26, 2012
Topics: Distribution Experiments Resources Revenue
Medill grad student research cooked this up: “A step-by-step process that can be used to create a business out of a hyperlocal news website.” Bright minds ask fresh questions.
Posted on February 24, 2012
Topics: Experiments Resources Revenue
A growing network for niche and local “online pioneers” offering support, training and a directory of publishers. Active blog with tips, profiles and opportunities.
Posted on February 24, 2012
Topics: Community Experiments Resources
J-Lab examines “what worked and what didn’t” after five years of grants to local news projects. 2010 lessons on what leads to growth or disappointment still timely.
Posted on January 12, 2012
Topics: Community Craft Distribution Education Experiments Resources Revenue Technology
Got a topic to discuss with your community? Google Moderator helps streamline the process, making it easier for people to post thoughts, offer their comments and ask questions.
Posted on December 28, 2011
Topics: Distribution Experiments Resources Technology