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New technology has powered entirely new forms and ways of finding, reporting and telling stories. Issues of ethics, transparency and access are redefining the role of journalism daily. The immediacy of a virtual world raises questions of—and opportunities for—the role of news producers in their communities. Here we take a look at some of the ways journalism innovators are moving the craft forward. We’ve only scratched the surface; what do you think?
Ferreting out important public data, in partnership with The Seattle Times, PEN "captures and translates into plain language...information that would otherwise slip through the cracks."
Posted on April 14, 2011
Topics: Craft Experiments Resources Technology
AOL’s Patch network of local news sites was operating in 14 Washington State communities roughly along the I-5 corridor from Tacoma to Everett, as of February 2011. Its first site was launched October 10, 2010, in University Park. Its Seattle regional editor is Mike Lewis, formerly with the Seattle Post-Intelligencer.
Posted on April 14, 2011
Topics: Craft Experiments Resources
Next Door Media is a network of ten trusted neighborhood news sites and a regional portal in the North Seattle area, the first of its kind in the country and the most-trafficked in the city. Founded in Ballard in early 2008 by two longtime journalists, Kate and Cory Bergman, Next Door Media is committed to...
Posted on April 14, 2011
Topics: Community Craft Experiments Resources
Ten initiatives were either spawned or invigorated at the Journalism That Matters Pacific Northwest gathering in January 2009. Slightly more than a year later, nine of those are moving forward. The initiatives, with links to their current status, are: JTMPNW Collaboratory is an ongoing initiative to encourage experimentation and collaboration to improve the news and...
Posted on April 13, 2011
Topics: Community Craft Experiments Resources
Instivate is a technology innovator headquartered in Seattle’s Central District. It offers technology for online content and advertising, audience measurement and local blogging. Instivate is the parent company of Neighborlogs, a Seattle-based community news blogging platform and ad-sharing network that was launched in June 2007. “Neighborlogs is a free, hosted placeblogging platform with an integrated...
Posted on April 13, 2011
Topics: Craft Experiments Resources Technology
InvestigateWest says it “rose from the ashes of the Seattle Post-Intelligencer” but prides itself on not being “limited by those roots.” Founded in July 2009, it is a nonprofit organization dedicated to investigative and narrative journalism whose mission statement says, in part: The old model for supporting and conducting public service journalism has collapsed. Thousands of traditional...
Posted on April 13, 2011
Topics: Community Craft Experiments Resources
Intersect is a place to celebrate and share stories of all kinds from throughout our lives – past, present, and future. Stories are the way we connect with each other, find common ground, and communicate values. At Intersect, we love stories— from the silly and fun to the deeply meaningful. Our goal is to make...
Posted on April 13, 2011
Topics: Community Craft Experiments Resources