Blog Posts About Journalism and Revenue
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Journalists have always covered the tech industry as a section of the newspaper, but now, due to the personal media explosion, the very existence of the trade is dependent on conversations and decisions that happen at events like this year’s Seattle Interactive Conference. About Jacob Jacob Caggiano writes about his “healthy obsession” with communicating online,...
Posted by Jacob Caggiano on November 4, 2011
Topics: Blog Community Experiments Revenue Technology
Got more to say about the value and potential of local TV news? The forum remains open. For some starter background, read this interview with Mark Platte, news director of Hawaii News Now, and this interview with Josh Stearns and Libby Reinish of Free Press/Change the Channels campaign. Last week we asked you: What is...
Posted by Emily Harris on November 2, 2011
Topics: Blog Community Craft Distribution Revenue
Despite the proliferation of online sources, most Americans still rely on the TV when they want local news. In Hawaii, Mark Platte plays a big role in creating that local news. As news director of Hawaii News Now, Platte oversees newscasts on three of the five stations with local newscasts. We found Mark when we...
Posted by Emily Harris on October 26, 2011
Topics: Blog Community Craft Distribution Revenue
Despite the proliferation of online sources, most Americans still rely on local TV to find out what’s happening in their communities, particularly during big, breaking news. But TV news is changing. Newsrooms are consolidating and stations downsizing. Some share or outsource reporting. We at the JA wondered how local TV has changed to inform and...
Posted by Emily Harris on October 26, 2011
Topics: Blog Community Craft Distribution Revenue
Next week in our forum we’re asking you: What is the value of local TV news? How can communities up their yield and maximize return from this powerful and well branded medium? What are the risks of major changes like station consolidation or pay-for-play ads? What innovations in local television news hold the most promise?...
Posted by Emily Harris on October 21, 2011
Topics: Blog Policy Revenue
Across the field of journalism we’ve had an “information infusion” from a broad range of sources over the summer. Analysis, review and reporting from the likes of PEW, Knight, the Economist, Clay Shirky, the FCC’s recent 450+ page report furthering the analysis Knight Foundation started two years ago, and CJR’s recent write up “What We...
Posted by Lisa Skube on September 13, 2011
Topics: Blog Craft Policy Revenue
Last week we posted the first section of a larger conversation we had earlier this year with a number of hyperlocal editors from east, west and middle sections of the country: Inspired by the Block by Block event held last year in Chicago in September, there was a lot of discussion about Patch’s entry into the community...
Posted by Lisa Skube on July 27, 2011
Topics: Blog Community Revenue
This past year I was at the University of Missouri, where as an RJI fellow I had the privilege to work with a mix of recent J-school graduates, undergrads and masters students. Inspired by the Block by Block event held last year in Chicago in September, there was a lot of discussion about Patch’s entry...
Posted by Lisa Skube on July 20, 2011
Topics: Blog Community Revenue
Jessica Partnow’s shares how she helps students create success for themselves and their communities in the new media news landscape.
Posted by Journalism Accelerator on April 20, 2011
Topics: Blog Craft Education Interview Revenue
Joel Kramer is the editor and CEO of MinnPost, a nonprofit news site serving the Twin Cities and Minnesota.
Posted by Journalism Accelerator on March 28, 2011
Topics: Blog Interview Revenue