Resources Related to Journalism and Revenue
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The need to find sustainable revenue streams and ways of successfully operating a small business is inspiring many journalism innovators to explore a range of business models. What’s working — or not working — for you? JA is gathering a range of experiments for (and from) the JA community to learn more about how others are resourcing their work and serving the unique needs of their audiences.
Pew report on recent success of nonprofit news outlets offers cautions and optimism, with a funding roadmap of how a number of outfits are achieving profitability.
Posted on July 9, 2013
Topics: Resources Revenue
Entrepreneur magazine offers sharp insight, advice and strategy for business, with applications for journalism startups and nonprofits emerging in the new media landscape.
Posted on April 12, 2013
Topics: Resources Revenue
Resistance is futile: In today's interactive economy, companies that invest as much in the customer experience as they do on their product yield the greatest return. Here’s how it works!
Posted on March 28, 2013
Topics: Resources Revenue
A content exchange to offer your content to the world, and get a stream from alt weekies to deepen your coverage. A win win where local stories turn national, a member based community working smart.
Posted on March 1, 2013
Topics: Distribution Resources Revenue
What started as an annual in-person publishers forum has grown to include podcasts, webcasts, short-form ebook content and a community-focused blog. Valuable tools for small publishers.
Posted on February 1, 2013
Topics: Resources Revenue
A rich collection of news, commentary and insight about the business of media. Both paid and free subscriptions offer real-world value for media investors and publishers eyeing new markets.
Posted on January 11, 2013
Topics: Resources Revenue
Connecting media grantseekers and funders, encouraging collaboration and knowledge-sharing. Search or share in the projects database. Valuable insights for you to play forward.
Posted on January 4, 2013
Topics: Resources Revenue
A strategic vision from an investment firm finds real impact by directing money to entire sectors. How can this help journalism, as an entire industry, thrive?
Posted on December 21, 2012
Topics: Resources Revenue
Designed as a “one-stop shop” for public broadcasters seeking grants, the tips, related news and extended resources here provide useful insight for any nonprofit journalism organization.
Posted on December 7, 2012
Topics: Resources Revenue
Grant-writing tools for nonprofits, with links to grantmakers and more resources. Comprehensive breakdown of proposals to support your ask, plus samples for comparison and inspiration.
Posted on November 21, 2012
Topics: Resources Revenue