Resources Related to Journalism and Policy
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News innovators and public interest advocates are working tirelessly for policies that support journalism and the communities they serve. With so much at stake, this section offers a simple way to learn more about some of the pressing policy issues facing the news and information field. We welcome organizations that work across news, information and policy networks to inform and educate others. Please feel free to suggest additional resources you think should be included.
Nonprofit media report
Collaborative FCC report urges the IRS to modernize how it grants tax-exempt status for media outlets, encouraging experimentation and innovation through the option of nonprofit formation.Report on Ownership of Commercial Broadcast Stations
Offering “more complete, reliable, and accurate data,” FCC report shows a decline in minority station owners. With growth in number of stations, representative coverage a growing gap to fill.Internet Law Center
Offering legal help to online businesses, the Internet Law Center also publishes a weekly cyber report blog tracking news on Internet communications that could affect any publisher.Editorial Integrity for Public Media: Principles, Policies, & Practices
A collaborative project to share standards across management, culture, reporting and fundraising in public media. Step one of The Code of Editorial Integrity: Commit yourself to quality work.The Murrow Rural Information Initiative: Access, Digital Citizenship, and the Obligations of the Washington State Information Sector
Kickstarting a fight against Washington State's "information ghettos" where "vast areas of the state are starved" of relevant local news. "The stakes the heart of the democratic process."Posted on August 14, 2012
Topics: Community Education Policy Resources
Shaping 21st Century Journalism: Leveraging a “Teaching Hospital Model” in Journalism Education
A new vision for J-schools as vital contributors to community, centers of practice with real impact, “laboratories of innovation” contributing to the “policymaking process that underpins them.”Tamarack: An Institute for Community Engagement
Interested in "creating positive community change through collaboration"? This Canada-based organization hopes to, offering cross-industry experience, deep research and ideas.From Competition to Cooperation: Engaging Cable, Satellite, Internet and Mobile Broadband Service Providers in Meeting the Information Needs of Communities
Focusing on distribution as well as content, North Carolina explores how broadband service providers can "bolster accountability journalism." What is the answer in your community?Posted on July 13, 2012
Topics: Distribution Policy Resources
Tweets for Keeps April 1 – April 7, 2012
This week, we examine the importance of youth and diversity in media, then share tips to get the job done: build a local news site, crowdsource content with consent, and leverage sales staff.Posted on April 12, 2012
Topics: Education Experiments Innovation Policy Tweets for Keeps