Resources Related to Journalism and Education
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In addition to facing a challenging job market, journalism students today must increasingly learn a new set of skills to stay relevant in the marketplace. In response, a growing number of educational institutions are innovating to prepare the next generation of journalists. What are some of the most promising examples of new programs you have developed, taken or found? Share your suggestions and let us know why you think others would find them useful.
Renaissance Journalism
With an eye firmly fixed on the bright future of media, RJ educates and empowers journalists and like-minded organizations through training, technical assistance, consultation and grants.Donald W. Reynolds Journalism Institute
With a goal to “strengthen journalism in the service of democracy,” RJI offers fellowships, distributes data on industry trends and research, conducts technology experiments and hosts events.Post Industrial Journalism: Adapting to the Present
Analysing journalism’s future through the lens of a needed restructuring. Targeted to help journalists, news organizations and groups outside the traditional news ecosystem move ahead to success.Becoming an Entrepreneurial Journalist: From Idea to Implementation
Looking to start your own news biz? Mark Briggs teams up with Poynter in an online course: Entrepreneurial journalism - from idea to implementation. A low-cost investment in practical learning.Center for Journalism Ethics, University of Wisconsin-Madison
A center to guide, examine, and encourage action, as“[u]pheavals in journalism have bequeathed to journalists a dizzying whirlpool of ethical issues.”Digital Training Comes of Age
Journos now need fluency in multimedia, data, entrepreneurship and social engagement. Use this report documenting the desire and payoff of training to build a professional development plan.Posted on August 24, 2012
Topics: Craft Education Resources Technology
The Murrow Rural Information Initiative: Access, Digital Citizenship, and the Obligations of the Washington State Information Sector
Kickstarting a fight against Washington State's "information ghettos" where "vast areas of the state are starved" of relevant local news. "The stakes the heart of the democratic process."Posted on August 14, 2012
Topics: Community Education Policy Resources