Blog Posts About Journalism and Policy
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JA’s panel picks, luminaries we can’t wait to meet and some of the events we’ll be checking out. What are you excited to learn about, what are your big questions?
Posted by Lisa Skube on April 2, 2013
Topics: Blog Policy
“Sometimes you can get impact by reaching a lot of people, sometimes you get impact by reaching the right people.” ProPublica's Stephen Engelberg on purpose, money, and nonprofit news.
Posted by Emily Harris on August 10, 2012
Topics: Blog Community Craft Distribution Education Experiments Policy Revenue Technology
A central part of the JA’s mission is to gather voices together online around common questions news producers share. Community needs and JA program values guide our work hosting forums. These values include a high degree of transparency and accountability to you and the growing JA community, because we believe it’s valuable to share what...
Posted by Lisa Skube on November 22, 2011
Topics: Blog Community Craft Experiments Policy
In my first post on the Seattle Interactive Conference, I went over some locally developed tools designed to make information more relevant and insightful. Mobile apps like Trover, which allows geo-discovery through photos, and Evri, which organizes ~15,000 news feeds into a friendly iPad interface, are useful on an individual level. But my concern is:...
Posted by Jacob Caggiano on November 8, 2011
Topics: Blog Community Policy Revenue Technology
Next week in our forum we’re asking you: What is the value of local TV news? How can communities up their yield and maximize return from this powerful and well branded medium? What are the risks of major changes like station consolidation or pay-for-play ads? What innovations in local television news hold the most promise?...
Posted by Emily Harris on October 21, 2011
Topics: Blog Policy Revenue
Across the field of journalism we’ve had an “information infusion” from a broad range of sources over the summer. Analysis, review and reporting from the likes of PEW, Knight, the Economist, Clay Shirky, the FCC’s recent 450+ page report furthering the analysis Knight Foundation started two years ago, and CJR’s recent write up “What We...
Posted by Lisa Skube on September 13, 2011
Topics: Blog Craft Policy Revenue