
Get detailed and visual analytics on anyone’s tweets, retweets, replies, mentions, hashtags… Browse, search, filter and get insights on the people you follow and those who follow you … Monitor your interactions with fellow users of Twitter: mentions, retweets, favorites… Backup/export any user’s tweets to an Excel spreadsheet in just one click Monitor tweets from your favorite users, lists and keyword searches … Find out easily those you follow but don’t follow you back … Easily add & remove people you follow to your lists … jGet the list of the followers you don’t follow back … Add and remove people in batch to your lists … Browse, search, filter and sort your lists … Track clicks on the links in your tweets” Source: twitonomy
Another app I’ve just discovered, and, for me, is helping to fill the void left when I left Crowdbooster, is Twitonomy. It has some pretty great features: analytics, breaking down your tweets and showing you how you are doing with re-tweets and @mentions. …
“My favorite thing about Twitonomy is that you don’t have to have access to someone’s twitter account to analyze it. You wanna check out your competition? Just put their Twitter handle in the little box, and they’ll analyze it for you!” Source: Rebecca Coleman
The Journalism Accelerator is not responsible for the content we post here, as excerpts from the source, or links on those sites. The JA does not endorse these sites or their products outright but we sure are intrigued with what they’re up to.
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