National Neighborhood Indicators Partnership

- Links: Website
- Tags: Data, Data Visualization, Demographics, Geographic Information Systems, Geography, GIS, Mapping, Research, Urban
In recent years all NNIP partners have built advanced information systems with integrated and recurrently updated information on neighborhood conditions in their cities. Creation of this capacity, which did not exist in any U.S. city two decades ago, represents an important technical and institutional breakthrough …
Their indicators cover topics such as births, deaths, crime, health status, educational performance, public assistance, and property conditions. Perhaps more important is the way they have used their data. NNIP partners operate very differently from traditional planners and researchers. Their theme is democratizing information. They concentrate on facilitating the direct practical use of data by city and community leaders, rather than preparing independent research reports on their own.” Source: National Neighborhood Indicators Partnership
“The National Neighborhoods Indicators Partnership is coordinated by the Urban Institute of Washington, D.C. and government by representatives that make up the NNIP Executive Committee.
As the secretariat, fiscal agent, and overall coordinator, the Urban Institute takes the lead in preparing proposals for funding, receives grants to support the partnership, and is ultimately accountable to funders for overall performance.” Source: National Neighborhood Indicators Partnership
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NNIP has partner organizations in 35 cities — my advice to journalists is find the one near you and get in touch!
Here are some examples of how NNIP organizations have collaborated with media: The Piton Foundation, where I work, has helped journalists at Colorado media outlets with data analysis and visualization for investigative news stories. We’re also currently developing our own community storytelling project ( The San Antonio NNIP partner, Community Information Now ( has both citizen journalism and data analysis projects.
Hopefully the future will bring even more collaboration. Many NNIP partners have shown interest in being proactively involved with the media. The upcoming NNIP meeting in February will feature a session on “NNIP in the Media.” Any suggestions from folks on Journalism Accelerator on some things NNIP partner organizations can do to make their work more accessible and useful for the general public?