2011 Journalist Engagement Survey

2011 Journalist Engagement Survey
- Links: The Report | Website | On Twitter
- People: Joy Mayer
- Tags: Analytics, Audience Engagement, Community Newspapers, Community Outreach, Joy Mayer, Reynolds Journalism Institute, RJI, Social Media, User-Generated Content
While editors at U.S. daily newspapers overwhelmingly say they think audience engagement has become an important part of practicing journalism, they’re often not sure what that means or how to go about it. Many have yet to embrace tools that allow them to understand and interact with their audiences. Not even half of respondents said that they use social media to listen as well as share information, that they interact with readers in comments sections, or that they use their analytics reports to help make news decisions.
A telephone survey of 529 managing editors, executive editors, and editors of daily community newspapers in March, April and May of 2011, validated that audience engagement is on the minds of editors, and not just the editors I interviewed this year who are on the cutting edge of experimentation. Many acknowledged that their news processes need to be more social and collaborative, and some mentioned hiring people specifically with that in mind. The survey was administered by the Center for Advanced Social Research (CASR) of the Missouri School of Journalism.” Source:
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