2012: The year of the prosperous publisher

...the Year of the Dragon is one of high risks and high returns — a year during which the financial crisis will finally see some light... (self-proclaimed Chinese astrologer Joseph) Chung explains that this is a “Water Dragon Year,” which means a higher flow of communication between people.
(Image by Jim Nix of Nomadic Pursuits on Flickr.)
2012 is the Year of the Dragon, if you go by the Chinese calendar. What will define this year for news publishers? In January we pointed you to some thoughtful – and entertaining – predictions for 2012. But prognostications can only take us so far. Hearing directly from publishing pioneers which trails need blazing, and which may be better off less traveled, is where our work begins this year. To fine tune the JA focus for 2012 we spent January identifying how to support the most critical needs publishers face now, in a way unique to the JA service model.
To do this, we turned to a group of talented people with a wide range of experience in news and information. All of them are familiar with the JA’s conversation and information exchange products, having joined our early pilot project, participated in a more recent forum or generously granted us an informational interview (or two) over the past year.
This time, we asked them to identify what they see as the most urgent challenges in publishing right now, and the greatest opportunities to support publishers’ work. Suggestions and ideas the group raised will guide our priorities for 2012, with fresh insight to help shape our upcoming forum on business models for publishers. That kicks off later this month on February 28 and 29. Many thanks to The Seattle Times’ David Boardman, Anne Galloway, editor of, CEO of the Investigative News Network Kevin Davis, BXB founder Michele McLellan, policy expert Steve Waldman, business coach Joe Michaud, and RJI Fellow/ The Patterson Foundation’s New Media Initiative Manager Janet Coats.
The overarching challenge was obvious: News providers large and small need more money coming in to keep great product coming out. It’s not that people don’t want news. It’s that the old way of paying for it has ended, and a new way has yet to emerge. Seattle Times executive editor David Boardman illustrated the crux of the problem: a gap between demand and payment. “Even as we grew online traffic dramatically, online revenue fell sharply,” he said.
This is a mountain of a problem that no one can scale without many small steps. Part of blazing the trail is mapping out which steps need come first to support bigger or steeper steps to follow. Fortunately, this thoughtful group sees obstacles as opportunities – challenges to overcome and rise, bit by bit, toward financially sustainable journalism.
Obstacles to revenue growth, and corresponding opportunities for action, fell broadly into three categories: cultural, practical and research-based.
Culture: What is in your DNA?
“I think in any community, the advertising revenue is there for those sites,” said Michele McLellan of Block by Block, which supports small local publishers. “But journalists were not put on the planet to sell advertising.” Business coach Joe Michaud agreed. After several years advising journalists to combine reporting and ad sales, he’s concluded that’s probably not the best route.
A successful local sales person has a specific skill set and a way of looking at the world and thinking 24/7 that is different than the way a journalist thinks. And the journalist, to be successful, has to think a certain way 24/7 as well. I don’t think it’s possible, based on what we’re seeing, to just flip hats.”
Many thanks to:
David Boardman
Executive Editor
The Seattle Times
Janet Coats
New Media Initiative Manager
The Patterson
Kevin Davis
Executive Editor & CEO
Investigative News Network
Anne Galloway
Founder & Editor
Vermont Digger
Michele McLellan
Founder, Block by Block
Joe Michaud
Founder, Local Interactive Strategies
Steven Waldman
Author, 2011 FCC Report: Information Needs of Communities
The opportunity: Find ways to enable strong partnerships between journalists and sales reps, besides getting married.
Other cultural issues hindering revenue growth include:
- Thinking digital first – particularly for sales teams at legacy media.
- Charging for content. Bigger, legacy outfits may see this as a necessary option to explore, while smaller startups don’t have the clout to charge, or the inclination to challenge Internet principles of open – free – access to information.
- Creating a return on investment for in-depth, investigative reporting that didn’t pay for itself under the old media model. Kevin Davis of the Investigative News Network notes that members are trying many different models, depending on the publication’s particular content focus, reporting approach and regional character.
- Making the case for the public to pay in a new way.’s Anne Galloway is trying a public broadcasting type appeal to boost reader donations. Ad (or sponsorship) revenue is limited for her publication because it is a non-profit. The Seattle Times’ David Boardman says moving the public toward paying for content is an evolution. “It’s happening, there’s lots of evidence to support that,” he says. “But it will take time.”
Our mix of publishers suggested that one crucial way to scale these cultural obstacles would be to find examples of successful startup publishers and distill the elements that created that success in a way others can reproduce. Additional ideas included bringing publishers of different practices together when they have tangible, specific shared concerns, and drawing on the experience of other industries which have been grappling with the challenge of selling digital content for years. Kevin Davis worked in the music industry before leading INN. He says the journalism field sometimes gets too isolationist. “We see this issue as specific to what we’re facing,” he said. “It’s larger. It’s generational and cultural. I think we can learn from each other’s mistakes.”
Practical: How do you do that?
How do you find a good web host? Or hire a good sales person? Or write a good employee handbook? Or work with a board? Like many publishers, Anne Galloway’s to-do list is also a list of skills to learn. She says sometimes she gets outside guidance, but often she and her colleagues are “going it alone.”
From a large publisher’s perspective, it’s also not always easy to learn new tricks. For example, David Boardman told us that putting on events seem to offer a steady stream of revenue, but even legacy media don’t have a list of clear, proven best practices to do this. He also noted that while content collaboration can clearly happen, setting up real business networks among publishers is challenging. From different content management systems, to different relationships with advertisers, it’s “really, really complicated,” he said.
Without duplicating resources already available, there seems to be an opportunity to help publishers increase revenue by:
- Sharing best practices for different types of publishers
- Vetting tools [in application that work]
- Aggregating sources of practical, how-to information
Research: What are other publishers trying?
Everyone is experimenting. What are we, as a field, learning? Often, different things. For example, this question emerged in conversation: Is it possible for more engagement and more collaboration to translate to more revenue? David Boardman cited evidence to the contrary, based on early indicators he sees at The Seattle Times and new media outlets he advises. Kevin Davis of INN pointed to different possibilities depending on the publishing model.
There appears to be a deep need and desire for a clearinghouse or repository to track experiments in media, focused in particular on financial results.
Unless successful, repeatable financial models emerge, Anne Galloway worries there is a steep cliff ahead. She doesn’t intend to plummet over; like many publishers, she’s working proactively to diversify’s financial support. The February 2012 JA forum will build on the experience and respond to the needs of publishers like Anne, offering an exchange of practical ideas, a chance to compare notes with others, and a safe space to talk through cultural obstacles to publishing success. It is step one in making 2012 the year to help publishers grow revenue – the single most urgent need our publisher group identified to close the gap in the year ahead.
Published under a creative commons BY-NC-SA license.
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8 comments so far.
As David and others said at the start of the year, there isn’t a silver bullet. If there was money to be minted in events or anything else, someone would do it. But I look at the news organizations that are path setting in 2012 and none of it looks familiar to someone reading a newspaper — or paying for one — a decade ago. I’m excited about Circa and The Atavist and MATTER.
To me, what those have in common is that they began with a product or a service. Whether they will find enough customers to be sustainable, we will wait and see. But local news sites still, almost always, begin with what newspapers used to do and try build a business around that.
Let’s flip that. Start with the product or service we can sell, grab a small part of that old, big industry we called newspapers, and work together to build a networked industry that is sustainable. That’s my takeaway from this year.
As 2012 winds down, we are returning to this conversation to reflect on the year. Did it prove prosperous for you? Look for a new post in early 2013, checking in with the folks we spoke with for this piece a year ago and other thought leaders.
Meanwhile, what lessons on building a sustainable news business did you learn or have confirmed in 2012? What do you know now that you didn’t know a year ago?
And what are you aiming for, as we wrap up the Chinese Year of the Dragon in early 2013 – which based on the Mayan calendar, signifies the beginning of a new age?
Two hunters go on a hunting trip for bears. They go to the cabin; have a few laughs over whiskey the night before the big hunt. In the morning one bear hunter wakes up and hears his friend’s yells approaching “open the door! open the door!”, the hunter in the cabin opens the door to see his friend running towards the cabin with a 1000lb grizzly right behind him. As the friend runs in the cabin and through the back door he mentions: ” I caught it now you kill it”.
You want to be the hunter with the bear running behind, and you want your salesforce and channel partners to be the hunter in the cabin.
I would have to agree with Rick, basically as a journalist who has your hair on fire and is juggling chainsaws you probably dont want to have to live the the “follow through” of finalizing the sale. It would be a great service if an outside sale team could take the valuable leads from the established hyperlocal indie publisher, who knows the community, and follow through.
I’d like to emphasize that a healthy community news operation needs to start with a clear-headed focus on building a sustainable enterprise. That means approaching it as a business (like any other local business), with a budget, likely expenses and likely revenues. This goes for nonprofit and for-profit sites alike. Many local news startups begin with the idea of doing great journalism, and unfortunately it’s only later that the “build a sustainable enterprise” aspect gets any attention, sometimes as a result of crisis. Journalists who are motivated to strike out on their own should take the time to think through how their enterprise will sustain itself, build a realistic plan to make it so, and be prepared to adjust later.
Hi Rick,
Good thoughts and focus. Suggestions for research when thinking about tech and systems that enable revenue and ads: Check out projects from the persuasive technology lab at Stanford ( ).
And see more on influence on Youtube with videos from Robert Cialdini (Here’s the first one: the rest in series should pop up: )
(Those come courtesy of the UNC class I’m in this semester with Sri Kalyanaraman. )
All very interesting; in particular how we strengthen the traditional ‘marriage’ between the neighbourhood reporter and the local ad sales rep… a relationship that has underpinned local newspapers for the last 350-odd years. Having run my own beat sports blog here for the last five and a bit years, I know that the only reason we have taken c$160,000 over that period in locally sourced digital advertising is because I had an old-fashioned ad rep working his shoe leather on the streets of Norwich, UK, to persuade local merchants to swap their newspaper ad dollars for digital ad *dollars* – not dimes.
It is re-creating this relationship – partnering Batman the Reporter with Robin the Ad-Rep that has been our consuming interest of late as we launch the v3 Addiply… – featuring a crowd sourced affiliate sales model at its core… Out-source your sales function to someone who *knows* that job.
Rick I really like the concept behind addiply and would love to chat with you more about it.
Am at SxSWi as part of the UKTI’s official ‘digital mission’ team – or else just drop me a line via [email protected] Just started to work with Tina and Angela on with the new v3, but always up for a chat.
best etc