Resources Related to Journalism and Revenue
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The need to find sustainable revenue streams and ways of successfully operating a small business is inspiring many journalism innovators to explore a range of business models. What’s working — or not working — for you? JA is gathering a range of experiments for (and from) the JA community to learn more about how others are resourcing their work and serving the unique needs of their audiences.
Pew’s report offers an early analysis of journalism’s green shoots sprouting up across the nation as nonprofit news.
Posted on August 10, 2011
Topics: Craft Distribution Resources Revenue
CUNY Graduate School of Journalism offers a fantastic smorgasbord of substance.
Posted on August 5, 2011
Topics: Education Experiments Resources Revenue
The State of the News Media 2011 is Pew’s eighth edition of their annual report on the health and status of American journalism. The report includes a series of special sections: a survey on how people use mobile technology to get local news; a report comparing the U.S. newspaper industry with the rest of the world’s; and two reports on community news websites. Released in March, the report is the work of the Pew Research Center’s Project for Excellence in Journalism, a nonpolitical, nonpartisan research institute funded by the Pew Charitable Trust.
Posted on April 25, 2011
Topics: Craft Distribution Resources Revenue, the first major metro daily newspaper in the nation to go digital-only, reaches 4 millions readers per month.
Posted on April 14, 2011
Topics: Distribution Experiments Resources Revenue