Resources Related to Journalism and Experiments
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Evolving technologies and revenue challenges are encouraging news and information producers to experiment like never before. We’re blown away by how some are attempting to create new opportunities and expand the definition of what journalism can be. New trends are emerging hourly. Share with us the experiments you think are important.
Intersect is a place to celebrate and share stories of all kinds from throughout our lives – past, present, and future. Stories are the way we connect with each other, find common ground, and communicate values. At Intersect, we love stories— from the silly and fun to the deeply meaningful. Our goal is to make...
Posted on April 13, 2011
Topics: Community Craft Experiments Resources
The purpose of Data.Seattle.Gov is to increase public access to high value, machine-readable datasets generated by various departments of Seattle City Government.” Source: Data.Seattle.Gov
Posted on April 6, 2011
Topics: Experiments Resources Technology
Accessing information to support reporting is easier than ever. Governments and corporations publish countless bytes of data online so web scrapers can use a rotating residential proxy to gather the data that’s relevant to them. But very little information comes in a structured form that lends itself to easy analysis. Reporters often are faced with...
Posted on March 7, 2011
Topics: Experiments Resources Technology