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A free service to create and publish interactive data visualizations to the web. You don’t need to be a programmer or hire one – no language to learn, no Flash, no plug-ins and no API.

Tableau Public

Tableau Public is a free service that you can download to create and publish interactive data visualizations to the web. You don’t need to be a programmer or hire one – no language to learn, no Flash, no plug-ins and no API. Tableau Public makes it easy to:

  • Make your blog or website stand out;
  • Let people explore your data online;
  • Share your visualizations

The Tableau Public software saves work to the Tableau Public web servers – nothing is saved locally on your computer. Embed the content in your blog or website, or share it via links on web pages or in emails. Once on the web, anyone can interact with the data, download it, or create their own visualizations of it.

Tableau Public can connect to Microsoft Excel, Microsoft Access, and multiple text file formats. It has a limit of 100,000 rows of data allowed in any single file and there is a 50 megabyte limit on storage space for data.” Source: Tableau Software

The Journalism Accelerator is not responsible for the content we post here, as excerpts from the source, or links on those sites. The JA does not endorse these sites or their products outright but we sure are intrigued with what they’re up to.