Free Press

- Links: Free Press | Save the News | Change the Channels | Save the Internet | On Twitter
- People: Josh Stearns | Libby Reinish
- Tags: Access To Information, Broadcast Partnerships, Change the Channels, Collaboration, Covert Consolidation, Independent Media, Josh Stearns, Journalism Policy, Media Advocacy, Media Justice, Media Ownership, Net Neutrality, Policy, Save the News
Free Press is a national, nonpartisan, nonprofit organization working to reform the media. Through education, organizing and advocacy, we promote diverse and independent media ownership, strong public media, quality journalism and universal access to communications.
Our Purpose
Media play a huge role in our lives. TV, radio, the Internet, movies, books and newspapers inform and influence our ideas, opinions, values and beliefs. They shape our understanding of the world and give us the information we need to hold our leaders accountable. But our media system is failing.
This failure isn’t natural. For far too long, corrupt media policy has been made behind closed doors in the public’s name but without our informed consent. If we want better media, we need better media policies. If we want better policies, we must engage more people in policy debates and demand better media.
That’s why Free Press was created. We’re working to make media reform a bona fide political issue in America. Powerful telecommunications, cable and broadcasting companies have plenty of lobbyists to do their bidding. We’re making sure the public has a seat at the table, and we’re building a movement to make sure the media serve the public interest.
Free Press believes that media reform is crucial not just for creating better news and entertainment, but to advancing every issue you care about. A vibrant, diverse and independent media is the cornerstone of a healthy democracy.” Source:
Free Press Campaigns:
Save the News
“, a project of Free Press, is leading the search for new public policies to promote a robust free press in America. is a campaign to fight for better media in our communities. We are working to support innovative, quality journalism; to create a first-class public media system; to promote diverse and local media ownership that serves our communities; and to involve the American people in the process.
Journalism is a vital public good — not just another commodity. The Founders understood that an informed and engaged public was crucial to a healthy democracy; that’s why the press enjoys special protection in the First Amendment. However, the modern media culture bears only a faint resemblance to the vigorous and diligent press the Founders envisioned. The challenge before us is to identify the structures and policies that can help rebuild our media.” Source:
Change the Channels
“Media consolidation is a dangerous problem, reducing the number of independent sources of news—that’s why there are rules to control it. But media companies have devised a way around those rules, and are pursuing profits at the expense of the communities they’re supposed to serve. “Covert consolidation” takes many forms, but the results are the same: Media companies pad their bottom line by sacrificing local journalism, competition and diversity. In many cases, one news team produces a single newscast for multiple stations. The result: less news about your community and fewer journalists holding our leaders accountable.
Worst of all, stations claim they don’t have to report these deals to anyone.
At, you can join with others in your community to demand change at the local level. Help uncover these dirty deals; submit video and information to our national database; and take action to pressure local broadcasters. Together we’ll build a case against covert consolidation that the Federal Communications Commission won’t be able to ignore.” Source:
Save the Internet
“The Coalition is two million everyday people who have banded together with thousands of nonprofit organizations, businesses and bloggers to protect Internet freedom.
The Coalition believes that the Internet is a crucial engine for economic growth, civic engagement and free speech. We’re working together to preserve Net Neutrality, the First Amendment of the Internet, which ensures that the Internet remains open to new ideas, innovation and voices.
Because of Net Neutrality, the Internet has always been a level playing field. People everywhere can have their voices heard by thousands, even millions, of others online. The Coalition wants our leaders in Washington to pass strong Net Neutrality protections. We’re calling on the president, Congress and the Federal Communications Commission to stand with the public and keep the Internet open.” Source:
The Journalism Accelerator is not responsible for the content we post here, as excerpts from the source, or links on those sites. The JA does not endorse these sites or their products outright but we sure are intrigued with what they’re up to.
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1 comment so far.
As someone who has been receiving (and reading) emails from the Save the Internet coalition, I am excited to learn that Free Press is working so hard to protect and improve the other policies that determine how the media is delivered. I hadn’t heard about your “Change the Channel” campaign prior to today, but it sounds like another worthy cause! Thanks so much for sharing these resources!