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Opportunity: African Americans are high Twitter users. Inspiration: teaching investigative skills. Practical: tips on startup space. Politics: The TV public records debate intensifies.
Posted on June 11, 2012
Topics: Innovation Tweets for Keeps
A handy short list to up accuracy in reporting, building brand with your enemy, and a UK take on the big brand of news. Plus: A truly interactive paper that builds new tech right into the old.
Posted on May 28, 2012
Topics: Innovation Tweets for Keeps
Pew research finds high value on local news, then digs deep into the “unique group of local news consumers...who follow local news closely.” Useful analysis to better know your audience.
Posted on May 3, 2012
Topics: Community Distribution Innovation Resources
Theme of the tweet week: ways to ease the change. A clearinghouse of free training, a visual how-to become a data journalist, and new ways to focus and fund your work.
Posted on May 2, 2012
Topics: Innovation Tweets for Keeps
This week, we examine the importance of youth and diversity in media, then share tips to get the job done: build a local news site, crowdsource content with consent, and leverage sales staff.
Posted on April 12, 2012
Topics: Education Experiments Innovation Policy Tweets for Keeps
This week we curated lists, scoped America's media landscape, converted brand to revenue, and "newsgathered on the cheap." Plus: lessons learned from opensource and startups.
Posted on March 28, 2012
Topics: Experiments Innovation Revenue Tweets for Keeps
Creativity awarded: political climate illuminated by open data mapping & success across the spectrum of non & for profit news sites. Plus, a cautionary tale for hyperlocal publishers.
Posted on March 21, 2012
Topics: Innovation Tweets for Keeps
"Are Stations Serving the Public Interest?" 2010 Study on LA local news content by the Annenberg School at USC.
Posted on October 21, 2011
Topics: Community Distribution Innovation Resources Revenue