Tweets for Keeps: December 22 – December 28, 2012
Free tools for data analysis, expert insight into app development, one way to boost newspapers’ online revenue, some good financial news (yes!) and partnering to help citizen news sites.
Tools & Tactics
Top post on our site ever:Steve Doig’s best of CAR. 13 free tools to analyze, display Thanks, @sdoig
— Reynolds Center (@BizJournalism) December 18, 2012
Tips & Techniques
Best practices and coding conventions: Introducing the NPR News Apps Team @onyxfish #ddj #bigdata #dataviz #journalism
— DDJ (@ddjournalism) December 13, 2012
Innovation & Experiments
How Press Association Ad Networks Can Help Newspapers Compete Online | Street Fight… via @@streetfightmag
— AccelerateJournalism (@journaccel) December 26, 2012
Reports & Articles
News adventures: After years of bad headlines the industry finally has some good news @theeconomist
— AccelerateJournalism (@journaccel) December 25, 2012
People & Collaboration
New @kdmc – Partnerships help citizen news sites gain visibiity and engage the community. #infoneeds cc @pbsidealab
— Michele Mclellan (@michelemclellan) December 10, 2012
The Journalism Accelerator is not responsible for the content we post here, as excerpts from the source, or links on those sites. The JA does not endorse these sites or their products outright but we sure are intrigued with what they’re up to.
Topic: Tweets for Keeps
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