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“Telling it like it is,” this online hub is a UK based, globally focused nonprofit covering stories to broaden the lens and out issues to empower citizens across geographic communities.

The Fresh Outlook’s News Network

“The Fresh Outlook is independent of politicial, religious or financial ties. The newspaper is owned by a regulated not-for-profit organisation, FreshTies, based in the United Kingdom, and which works for people’s rights, needs and opportunities.

The Fresh Outlook is young in many ways. The newspaper was recently set up, and our newsroom journalists, including the editors, are young professionals. We’ve all come together, and people keep joining with us, through a shared belief in the need for an independent and responsible worldwide media.

Also, in line with the work of its parent not-for-profit organisation, The Fresh Outlook is here to ensure consistent coverage of human rights and challenge injustice, which you can all play a part in.

The independence to inform.

There’s nothing preachy here. The Fresh Outlook and the News Network is the result of believing in traditional skills and values of journalism to reflect the world and its people- as it is. Our independence, and a ‘fresh outlook’ means opportunities for up and coming journalists to grow and be part of a worldwide media to:

  • Get published, get a break and help them into careers.
  • Break news that is worthy of headlines.
  • Broaden the news agenda.
  • Ensure consistent coverage of human rights.
  • Challenge injustice through investigative journalism.
  • Increase the diversity of journalists to better reflect our world.
  • Ensure more accurate portrayal of people and cultures. SourceThe Fresh Outlook

The Journalism Accelerator is not responsible for the content we post here, as excerpts from the source, or links on those sites. The JA does not endorse these sites or their products outright but we sure are intrigued with what they’re up to.