New America Media

New America Media is the country’s first and largest national collaboration and advocate of 2000 ethnic news organizations. Over 57 million ethnic adults connect to each other, to home countries and to America through 3000+ ethnic media, the fastest growing sector of American journalism…
NAM produces, aggregates and disseminates multimedia content and services for and from the youth and ethnic media sectors. NAM has developed these pathways to achieve our goals:
GROW A COLLECTIVE presence for the more than 3,000 ethnic news outlets nationwide and professionalize the sector through the following:
- Awards and EXPOs
- Journalism school partnerships
- Newsmaker briefings
- Seminars and workshops for professional development
- National Directory of Ethnic Media
- Newsletters – editorial and marketing…
BRING THE VOICES of otherwise invisible communities – ethnic minorities, immigrants, young people – into national and regional focus through multi-lingual and cell phone polls. Some of our most recent polls that made headlines nationwide:
- Deep Divisions, Shared Destiny – A Poll of Black, Hispanic, and Asian Americans on Race Relations
- Historic Poll of Undocumented Immigrants From Latin America
- California Dreamers: A public opinion portrait of the most diverse generation the nation has known…
ENHANCE YOUTH DEVELOPMENT programs that produce peer-to-peer youth media and inter-generational dialogue through ethnic and mainstream media. Youth media content from YO! Youth Outlook, YO! TV, Silicon Valley De-Bug, The Beat Within, Sprawl Magazine, Roaddawgz and The Know provides a window into youth culture.
DEVELOP AND PROMOTE social marketing and corporate messaging campaigns that expand the sector’s access to advertising. NAM has channeled over $13 million in advertising dollars to ethnic media from HUD, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, Flex Your Power, The California Endowment, California’s Administrative Office of the Courts, and Kaiser Permanente.” Source: New America Media
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