Entrepreneurial Journalism: How to Build What’s Next for News

The digital revolution that provides so many options for news consumers also means massive opportunity for journalists. The trick: see the disruption as an opening you can attack. Entrepreneurial Journalism will inspire you with what’s possible and show you the mechanics behind building a business. Working through eight clear and concise stages, you’ll explore the secrets of successful news startups (including how they’re making money) and learn how to be an upstart yourself, building an innovative and sustainable news business from scratch.
Each chapter starts with a real entrepreneur’s experience, teasing out how savvy and opportunistic journalists found their way to success. Mark Briggs then helps you size up the market, harness technology, turn your idea into a product or service, explore revenue streams, estimate costs, and launch. “Build Your Business” action items at the end of each chapter get you thinking through each step of your business plan.” Source: CQ Press
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