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Journalism Accelerator Featured Links: July 19 – August 6, 2012

Two new tools to improve community reports, lessons from a seven-year startup, a JA network member broadening innovation’s reach, and why many publishers struggle to monetize data.

The divide
JA network member Mike Green hailed for his work to spread innovation into African American communities. “No one in recent memory has come out with such articulate, explicit connections.”

New Tool Helps Publishers Find National Stories to Localize
Start with Google news, add tools to extract names and ID locations. Voila! A beta app to get local publishers fresh ideas, including stories that “satisfy consumer demand…and can be monetized.”

In Search of a “500-Year Plan” for Achieving News Literacy
Media innovator Fabrice Florin hands his “separate fact from fiction” nonprofit to Poynter. Four lessons learned along the way.

The Guardian formalizes audience curation with #smarttakes
“If nothing else, The Guardian is persistent in its desire to ask the public for help with its journalism.” Here’s an idea any publisher might borrow.

Why is managing and monetizing audience data so hard?
Two new studies give insight to this vital question that publishers wrestle with constantly.

A Record Amount of TV News Last Year, Annual RTDNA Study Finds
Minutes of local TV news rises, is predicted to climb. “The percentage of news directors expecting to cut news has always been low, but this is the first time since 1997 that it’s been zero.”

The Journalism Accelerator is not responsible for the content we post here, as excerpts from the source, or links on those sites. The JA does not endorse these sites or their products outright but we sure are intrigued with what they’re up to.