Ask a Question

What happens when you ask a question?

The Journalism Accelerator is a community-based network. The questions are intended to spark conversation. We encourage you to inspire a discussion by contributing a great, or pressing, question. The more specific, the better! Once you submit your question:

  • The Journalism Accelerator team assesses the question based on community salience and routes the question through community organizers.
  • Culled questions are refined through outreach and collaboration; we work directly with you at the email address you provide.
  • Together we solicit your suggestions for contributors and reach out to others to join in the discussion.
  • As the question contributor, other community members can then link back to your JA profile and see other conversations you have participated in.
  • When another forum participant comments on your question, you will be notified with an email, which will include links back to the question where you can continue the discussion or view other JA community profiles.

How do we select questions to publish?

We appreciate every submission and look for thoughtful questions that are of interest to the larger community. Questions we find that typically best inspire community interaction are:

  • Thought-provoking
  • Relevant
  • Open-ended
  • Unique
  • Urgent
  • Useful to others
  • Emerging trends

To ask your question, please click “Ask a Question” in the sidebar and fill out the form. A member of the JA team will be in touch with you soon.