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Veteran broadcast journalists share survival secrets: a vibrant online community swapping trade secrets and tips to help practitioners bring their A-game to market.

Survive TV News Jobs

Why talk newsroom politics? The stakes are higher than ever before. This cutthroat business is now reaching new heights. You can’t just lick your wounds and wind up at another station in a month. Social media and the crashed economy are making TV news jobs harder than ever to come by. Some J-schools are closing down. Others are reconsidering how they teach television news. Media conglomerates are laying people off or selling off stations. So we want to help you batten down the hatches and survive. We are veteran journalists, with backgrounds in producing, reporting, anchoring, and videography. One of us was a manager. Now we are going to dish our secrets, even though some of the lessons came at a high price. Our goal is to make life easier for you, because we had to learn everything the hard way.This site is designed to draw on our experiences and let you share your own. It’s no secret there is little to no training in TV news. You get a job and fight to keep it. Most of what you learn is done on your own. We want to help you network and form alliances. Knowledge truly is power. We look forward to your insights. All we ask is no listing of specific station call letters or nicknames, or managers and co-workers names. This is not a site to attack your enemies. It’s a chance to learn how to outsmart them.” Source: Survive TV News Jobs

The Journalism Accelerator is not responsible for the content we post here, as excerpts from the source, or links on those sites. The JA does not endorse these sites or their products outright but we sure are intrigued with what they’re up to.